Everything in one place.

One powerful platform with deep dive and pulse surveys, powerful analytics and action planning.

Watch our 4 minute product tour.
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Works anywhere

Quick and easy survey collection for students, families and staff via browser, email or text message.

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Higher participation

Increase survey participation rate, particularly among families.

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Instant results

Reports emailed and dashboards available immediately when data collection concludes.

Integrate SEL into the
day-to-day of your schools.

Schools are busy places and most survey tools require too much management and special things to remember. Kelvin isn't like that. Fast and invisible are often the better parts of a delightful experience, and having something that “just works” makes it much easier to weave into the fabric of schools.

Ask the right questions

Select from our library of research-backed questions featuring 30+ themes ranging from growth mindset and belonging to sense of safety -- designed by leaders in integrating evidence-based social and emotional learning into schools.

We work how you work

Each Pulse survey is meant to be completed quickly—taking three to four minutes. There aren’t any special apps to download, no complicated usernames or passwords to forget, and no direction needed from teachers or admins. This increases participation (~94% on avg. for students), reduces disruptions to instructional time, lessens the burden for administrators and teachers, and increases the chances that answers are honest and not just random data.

Design your own surveys

This isn’t an SEL-in-a-box solution you have to adopt wholesale. You’re in control, because we know that every school starts off at different places. Create your own surveys and control survey pacing, who sees results, advanced options, and which resources are made available.

A friendlier, more modern
survey experience

Pulse looks a lot like students’ favorite applications so it feels friendly and familiar. These “pattern affordances” are based on the power of habit and present a huge factor of effective interaction design. They save users’ effort in keeping many things in memory simultaneously and encourage open, candid feedback.

Understand the results

Kelvin helps you identify opportunities for impact by surfacing drivers of culture and hotspots across schools and demographics. You can track your progress all within the platform.

Get the pulse of your
student, families & staff

Drive action and measure impact with a real-time understanding of your stakeholders' needs. Kelvin Pulse gives education leaders a continuous stream of the voice of their people so they can make the best decisions for and about their learning community.

Monitor sub-groups

Examine your school's results by filtering across different variables including school, grade level, program, gender, race/ethnicity and other groups created from your SIS or within Kelvin. Determine the goals that are right for your organization to elevate action planning at your school/district.

Slice and dice your data

Monitor progress, spot trends, and hone in on issues with group and demographic filters automatically created from your SIS, or create your own custom fields and groups within Kelvin.

See individual progess
with student reports

Respond to students' real-time needs and see how their perceptions of SEL competencies and school climate are changing with new contexts throughout the year

Take action together

Leaders and teams have all the tools they need to find a focus, build a plan based on real-world inspirations from schools like yours, and collaborate on effective action.

Export your data

Export the data from Kelvin for visualization alongside other important metrics with CSV exports and Kelvin's API, so you can get the whole picture.

Build healthy schools.

By supporting your students' social and emotional development and wellbeing.