The Power of Real Life Change

How do you define success?

If we can create technology that fosters human connection, we are successful. 

Human connection is at the heart of what we do, this is why our tool is called “Pulse”. Kelvin was born out of the lived experiences of our founders, where a lack of human connection in their childhood led them into some difficult headwinds.

That is why we help educators listen to the heartbeat of their community, whether it is students, staff, or families. We raise the voices of all community members to ensure everyone is heard.

We are fortunate to have elevated many voices along the way.

It is our privilege to serve as conduits for these voices and their stories, sharing them with you—educators who work tirelessly to ensure brighter futures for our students. Your dedication is the lifeline of their success, and through these narratives, we hope to inspire and support you in your invaluable work.

“Kelvin lifts every voice.”

Take a moment to breathe and reflect. Think of one person you know who really struggled at school. This could be a friend, family member, a student you taught, or it might even be you! Did this person get the support they needed or did they fall through the cracks of the system? 

Imagine a student whose cousin took their life. Imagine a student whose parents recently divorced, imagine a student who is being bullied. Now take a moment to imagine if this person got the support they needed. 

Kelvin identifies students who are suffering in silence and gets them the help they need and deserve.

We elevate student voices, shine a light on their authentic lived experiences, and ensure no student falls through the cracks.

Just a Click

Imagine if a click of a button could change a life. Kelvin’s “Would you like to speak to an adult?” function connects students to counselors or educators with just one click.

Our developers designed our system this way because they know how intimidating it can be for students to approach a counselor or staff member when they need support. With just one click, we can make a significant difference in a student’s life.

One elementary school student, struggling with anger, clicked this button. A school counselor reached out to him, and he shared that various people and situations were making him feel angry throughout the day. (By the way, let’s take a moment to acknowledge this great self-awareness!) The counselor taught him tools to deal with his strong emotions, identify triggers, and apply coping skills in real-time.

That’s an example of technology creating human connection. That’s a Kelvin success!

Kelvin Pulse Features - Ask an Adult

How a Few Basketballs Changed a School

One school was struggling with student behavior at recess where there were frequent conflicts.  A Kelvin client, the school’s principal, delivered a Kelvin pulse asking the students what their perspective was on why these conflicts occurred.  To his surprise, an overwhelming majority of students said they were bored at recess. Many of them asked for basketballs. What seemed initially to be a behavior problem was a boredom problem. 

The principal acted quickly and bought basketballs for use at recess. The staff were ecstatic with the reduction in conflict. The students were grateful that someone had taken the time to listen to them, and they now love taking Kelvin surveys!

Kelvin’s data created human connections that improved the overall school climate. 

This is how small actions, guided by genuine understanding, can make a big difference.

That’s an example of technology creating human connection. That’s a Kelvin success!

Kelvin Success

We need you.

Kelvin’s success is reliant on the educators who choose to get curious about their student’s lived experiences, the ones who imagine a future where the humans they serve feel connected to and cared for.

Let’s create this world, together! 

Connection Before Content:

Foster Relationships and Drive Success with Kelvin