How to get the right data to know if what you are doing is working!

Data, data, data is the theme that seems to ring through the halls of schools every day.  The key is how to get the right data to know if what you are doing is working, needs to be adjusted, done differently, etc. In some cases, educators are not even sure where to start but know they need to do something.

We have had the pleasure of helping our clients learn that …

Kelvin Pulse is the solution.

How? Using Pulse and our pre-built reports that are available immediately upon the closing of a survey, allows our schools to easily hear and understand the voice of students, staff, and families.  This, in turn, equips them to know if what they are doing is making a difference or if they need to change course.

What District’s Are Saying

Let’s hear from a few perspectives within one district and how they are using Kelvin:

We have built a continuum that includes Kelvin’s participation, action plans, and data sharing that has even made its way into Student Leadership classes. 1 class learned that their school’s students wanted more activities after school and so they planned their first dance!

-District Administrator

I sent out a 2 question pulse to 7th and 8th graders to gather information about how much they felt a sense of belonging at the school. We then used the results from that data and had the 8th grade leadership class analyze the responses and come up with an action plan to help students feel more connected to the school. The students organized a Valentine’s Day event and an anti-bullying rally.

MTTS specialist

In one of the pulses, a student requested to speak to an adult. All those responses come back to me. I went to meet with the student and I told the student that because they responded yes to this question, they would be talking to me. The student said that they wanted to talk to me and needed help with his anger. During our time together, I taught him some coping skills for his strong emotions, we identified some triggers throughout his school day and how to apply those coping skills in real time. Even though his mom didn’t want him to participate in an anger management counseling group after that, I feel that the one-time counseling session that we did have was impactful! Thank you, Kelvin!

-School Counselor

Pusle Key Features:

We have also worked with districts that use Pulse to:

  • Ensure that their climate and culture is positive and inclusive.

  • Improve student wellness.

  • Address parent feedback.

  • Meet staff needs.

  • And much, much, more!

Are you ready to take the next step to hear the voices of your students, staff, and families?  Contact us by emailing:

Kelvin Pulse

Connection Before Content:

Foster Relationships and Drive Success with Kelvin